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Eclipse Kepler Service Release 2 64bit Html5 설치 방법

by WebHack 2014. 6. 12.

Kepler 다운로드

JDK 다운로드

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->  Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development ->

    Eclipse Web Developer Tools 3.5.2.v201401062113-7O7QG3wEMkBS3Graz0gRCYqCz-PVayJqBmOpb93L

    JavaScript Development Tools 1.5.2.v201401171657-7H7FFhXFC7sReuSlgtfhew

    JSF Tools - Web Page Editor 2.5.0.v201305011549-47C-9oB58E5K588KHW

    PHP Development Tools (PDT)

eclipse 재시작

Window > Preferences > Web > HTML Files 에서 Encoding 항목을 UTF-8 로 변경

Help > Eclipse Marketplace > Find: JSDT jQuery 

Project 폴더 > 마우스 오른쪽 > Properties

Window > Show View > Other > Palette 창 열기

Html 파일에서 마우스 오른쪽 누른 후에 Open With > Web Page Editer

- 버전 상태 -

Eclipse Standard/SDK

Version: Kepler Service Release 2

Build id: 20140224-0627

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